KFC Crispy Fans Club Membership Scheme Terms and Conditions (“Terms of Use”)

1. General
KFC Crispy Fans Club Membership Scheme (“Membership Scheme” or “Membership”) is managed and operated by Jardine Matheson & Co Ltd – KFC Division and Birdland (Hong Kong) Limited (together referred to hereinafter as “KFC”).
The Membership Scheme includes the accumulation / retention of Points Rewards (“Points Rewards”) in the unit of “Points”.
Only customers who have completed the Membership Scheme registration process via KFC Hong Kong website, the KFC Hong Kong mobile application (the “KFC App”) or via the Storellet mobile application (see 1.4 below) (the “Storellet App”), both available for download from the App Store and Google Play Store, are eligible to become members of the Membership Scheme and enjoy Membership privileges (“Members”).
The Storellet App is owned and operated by Crozz Limited. The Storellet App helps organize loyalty mobile applications of favourite restaurants (including the KFC App) by housing them into one single Storellet App. Use of the Storellet App will require registration as a member of Storellet and the member registration and use of the Storellet App are subject to Storellet’s own terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Membership accounts can be accessed either via the KFC Hong Kong website, KFC App or the Storellet App. Any changes to Points Rewards balances and coupon records resulting from Members’ activities from within the Storellet App will be reflected in the Members’ account in the KFC Hong Kong website, KFC App and vice versa. In other words, whether a Member earns or redeems Points Rewards in the KFC Hong Kong website, KFC App or the Storellet App, all such activities relate to the same KFC Member’s account.
Membership Scheme is open to individuals aged eighteen (18) or above. If you are twelve (12) years or older but under the age of eighteen (18) years and wish to become a Member, you will need your parent’s or legal guardian’s consent before completing the Membership Scheme registration.
Members are required to verify their Membership by presenting to KFC staff for scanning their Member QR Code shown at Members’ profile page in the KFC App or KFC Hong Kong website (the “Member QR Code”). If members are using KFC Hong Kong website, they have to login before completing their transactions to verify their Membership.
KFC Coupons (see 3.2 below), Selfie Coupons (see 3.3 below) and Groupbuy Coupons (see 3.4 below) are all identified by QR Codes (“Coupon QR Code”). To use these Coupons, Members must present for scanning by KFC staff at the time of ordering the applicable Coupon QR Code. When Members are using these Coupons on KFC Hong Kong website, they need to login and select the respective Coupon(s) before completing their transactions.
Mis-use of the Membership Scheme, Points Rewards or its benefits may result in termination of Membership or withdrawal of privileges.
KFC reserves the right to amend the Membership Scheme structure, privileges and other features, including these Terms of Use, or to terminate the Membership Scheme at any time. It is the responsibility of Members to keep themselves up-to-date with regard to matters relating to the Membership Scheme, including these Terms of Use. Use of Points Rewards/Membership privileges by Members will be deemed as Members’ agreement to/acceptance of any changes to the Membership Scheme and/or these Terms of Use. KFC will not be liable for loss or damage resulting thereof.
KFC does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any network problems, system failures, phone connection problems and/or blockages due to third party applications which may result in the KFC App and its functions and services being affected or become unavailable.
KFC reserves the right to suspend the KFC App or any parts of it for repairs, maintenance, upgrades or any other work KFC deems appropriate without prior notice.
KFC’s records shall be conclusive. In case of disputes, KFC reserves the right of final decision on all Membership, Points Rewards, special offers/discounts and coupons related matters.

2. Membership Application/Registration
Customers can apply to become Members by completing the registration process via KFC Hong Kong website, the KFC App or the Storellet App (see 1.3 and 1.4 above).
Upon successful application, customers will receive a SMS verification code sent to their designated mobile phone number. Customers are required to enter the code where indicated to complete the Membership registration process.
The eligibility for Membership is at the sole discretion of KFC. KFC may refuse Membership to any person and may terminate Membership at any time.

3. Membership Privileges
3.1 Earning Points Rewards
a) To earn Points Rewards for any purchase, Members must present to KFC staff for scanning their Member QR Code before purchases are complete. If Members are using the KFC Hong Kong website, they must login before completing their transactions in order to earn points. Members providing only their mobile phone number and/or KFC Membership number will not be entitled to earn Points and there will be no re-issue of Points afterwards and/or after purchase have completed.
b) Members can earn 1 Point for every HK$1 spent after discounts (if any) at any KFC restaurants/outlets, excluding decimal point. For example, HK$36.6 spent = 36 Points earned. Only purchases made personally by Members will earn Points Rewards.
c) Only dine-in purchases at and takeaway purchases from KFC Hong Kong website and KFC restaurants/outlets in Hong Kong (excluding KFC restaurants/outlets at AsiaWorld-Expo, Racecourse and Hong Kong Stadium) will earn Points Rewards.
d) Tips, discounts and special offers, gift redemptions, donations, delivery purchases via KFC Hong Kong website, birthday party and purchase of Groupbuy Coupons (see 3.4 below) will not earn Points Rewards.
e) Members can earn Points Rewards up to a maximum of 3 times per day or 10 times per week.
f) Points Rewards can only be earned once per purchase each time.
g) Points Rewards are valid for periods of 12 months from the Membership registration date until the next quarter end date of the following year. Quarter end dates are 31 Jan, 30 Apr, 31 Jul and 31 Oct each year. For example, The Points Rewards of a Member who registered on 8 February 2015 will expire 30 Apr 2016.
h) Members are responsible for keeping track of their Points Rewards expiry dates. Points will be cleared automatically after their expiry date. In case of disputes, the records held by KFC shall be treated as conclusive evidence of balance of Points Rewards in the Members’ account.
i) KFC reserves the right to deduct Points from Membership accounts if KFC suspects that Points Rewards have been obtained via fraudulent or dishonest means.

3.2 Redemption of Points Rewards and KFC Coupons
a) Accumulation and redemption of Points Rewards are valid only during the Points Rewards’ validity period (see 3.1g above). Unused Points cannot be carried forward and will expire.
b) Points Rewards are redeemed for KFC Coupons. To redeem, Members must login to their account via KFC Hong Kong website, the KFC App or Storellet App, go to “KFC Coupon”, click the KFC Coupon(s) desired and follow the steps to complete the redemption. Upon successful redemption the KFC Coupon(s) are saved into the KFC App’s “My Coupon”.
c) Each KFC Coupon can only be used once per person.
d) Redemption of Points Rewards is subject to the acceptance by KFC and to the availability of sufficient balance of Points in the Members’ account. If there are insufficient Points, the redemption request will be refused.
e) Points Rewards redemption cannot be changed or cancelled once confirmed successful and the applicable number of Points will be deducted from your Points Rewards account automatically.
f) Each KFC Coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified on the KFC Coupon.  Unused or expired KFC Coupon will be forfeited and no refund or extension of validity period is possible.
g) Use of KFC Coupons is subject to related terms and conditions shown on the KFC Coupons.

3.3 Selfie Coupons
a) To be eligible for a Selfie Coupon, the Member must, during Selfie Coupon promotion periods, login to their account via the KFC App or Storellet App, click on “Selfie Coupon” and follow the steps to complete the required task which will include taking and submitting a photograph (“Selfie”) and sharing the same on Facebook.
b) Upon successful completion of the required task, the Selfie Coupon will be saved automatically into Member’s “My Coupon” in the KFC App.
c) Limitation to the number of Selfie submissions by each Member will differ for each Selfie Coupon promotion period. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions of each Selfie Coupon promotion period in this regard.
d) By submitting Selfies and/or participating in the Selfie Coupon promotion, Members automatically agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and to KFC’s Privacy Policy.
e) By submitting Selfies and/or participating in the Selfie Coupon promotion, Members agrees and grants KFC an irrevocable perpetual right to reproduce, print, copy and publish the submitted Selfies and to use the Selfies for purposes of publicity or display without having to seek consents from Members or pay any fees to the Members.
f) Members declare and warrant that they are the sole copyright owners of the submitted Selfies.
g) Members declare and warrant that their submitted Selfies are original works produced by the Members themselves, have not infringed any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third parties and have not been published or displayed in any form or media in public before.
h) KFC reserves the right to remove, without prior notice, Members’ submitted Selfies containing insulting, defamatory, indecent, abusive, misleading content or other inappropriate content.
i) If Members’ submitted Selfies infringe or violate any third party’s rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, and/or any legislation, law or regulation, KFC shall expressly disclaim all liabilities.
j) Members agree to indemnify and keep indemnified KFC for any losses, liabilities and costs which KFC may incur directly or indirectly as a result of any breach of these terms and conditions on the part of the Members in connection with the Selfies submitted inclusive but not limited to the infringement of intellectual property rights of third party.
k) Each Selfie Coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified on the Selfie Coupon. Unused or expired Selfie Coupons will be forfeited and no extension of validity period is possible.
l) Use of Selfie Coupons is subject to related terms and conditions shown on the Selfie Coupons.
m) KFC reserves the right to suspend the Selfie Coupon service or any parts of it for repairs, maintenance, upgrades or any other work KFC deems appropriate without prior notice.

3.4. Groupbuy Coupons
a) To purchase Groupbuy Coupons, Members must login to their account via the KFC App or the Storellet App, go to “KFC Groupbuy”, click the Groupbuy Coupon desired and follow steps to complete the purchase. Upon successful purchase, Groupbuy Coupons will be saved automatically into Members’ “My Coupon” in the KFC App.
b) Refund is not possible once purchase for Groupbuy Coupon has completed.
c) Groupbuy Coupons are applicable for dine-in and takeaway purchases only; Groupbuy Coupons cannot be used for delivery purchases.
d) Each Groupbuy Coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified on the Groupbuy Coupon.
e) Use of Groupbuy Coupon is subject to related terms and conditions shown on the Groupbuy Coupon. Unused or expired Groupbuy Coupon will be forfeited and no refund or extension of validity period is possible.
f) Groupbuy Coupon can only be used at the KFC restaurant/outlet selected at the time of purchase of the Groupbuy Coupon and change of the selected KFC restaurant/outlet is not possible once the Groupbuy Coupon purchase is complete.
g) Groupbuy Coupon purchases will not earn Points Rewards.
h) Groupbuy Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash.
i) Groupbuy Coupons cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, special offers or discounts.
j) The food item combination of Groupbuy Coupons cannot be changed except in circumstances where food item is sold out in which case the staff at the selected KFC restaurant/outlet will replace the sold out food item with another food item of similar value.
k) KFC reserves the right to suspend the Groupbuy Coupon service or any parts of it for repairs, maintenance, upgrades or any other work KFC deems appropriate without prior notice.

4. Termination of Membership
a) Members can terminate their Membership at any time by giving written notice to KFC. All unredeemed Points will be cancelled/forfeited.
b) Any misconduct, fraud, misuse of points by any Member is found or failure to adhere to the Membership Scheme Terms of Use and/or any other related terms and conditions may result in immediate termination of Membership and cancellation of all Points Rewards with or without prior notice.

5. Privacy
Please refer to our Privacy Policy regarding our use and collection of information from customers and/or Members.

6. Miscellaneous
a) KFC reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use and any given information, services and resources available at the KFC websites and online services including website at kfchk.com and the KFC App at any time without prior notice. A copy of the latest version of these Terms of Use is available at the KFC website and the KFC App. These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong SAR and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong SAR. If for any reason a court finds any provision or portion of these Terms of Use to be unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use by a party will be effective only if in writing and signed by a party.
b) KFC shall have the right at any time and at its absolute discretion without giving any prior notice or reason to Members to terminate the operation of the Membership Scheme. Upon the termination of the operation of the Membership Scheme, all rights and privileges of Members shall cease and no claim or demand of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising shall be made or capable of being made by the Member against KFC in connection with the termination of the operation of the Membership Scheme.
c) In case of discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms of Use, the English version shall prevail.

7. Return of product or Refund
a) Pictures used on this website are for reference only. Customers cannot request a refund for the sole reason of inconsistency between pictures and delivered items. 
b) We aim to deliver every order accurately. In cases of disputes, customers shall call the stores that produced the items or our customer service hotline 21800000, or email us via the “Contact Us” page on our website, to inform us of any unsatisfactory delivery. 
c) If certain products are damaged when delivered, or if certain products already ordered are not delivered, or if certain products are misdelivered, KFC Hong Kong will refund equivalent value or redeliver the products at no extra cost. 
d) If certain products are delivered by mistake when customers didn’t order, KFC Hong Kong reserves the right to collect the misdelivered products at no extra cost. 
e) Customers who submit a refund request need to provide the following: refund reason, order number, phone number used for order, order date and payment method (credit card number or Alipay order number etc.). Confirmed refund requests will be processed within 6-8 weeks, and the refund amount will be returned to customer’s account used for payment (cheque will be used for cash payment). 

8. Yuu points
1. KFC member and Yuu member can select to earn either KFC points or Yuu points.
2. Earning Yuu points and Yuu points redemption are not available for hotline ordering.
3. Yuu points redemption is not available for online ordering.
4. Yuu points can be redeemed at store only.
5. In case of any dispute, DFI Development (HK) Limited and, Birdland (Hong Kong) Limited and Birdland (Macau) Limitada shall have the right of final decision. Other Yuu Terms & Conditions apply.

Updated/revised 29 July 2020

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